COVID: LoC and my need of premise to blame

Long back in my college, I studied about LoC - not "Line of Control" but "Locus of Control". Locus of Control, introduced by Julian B. Rotter in 1954, explained the degree to which individuals attribute success or failure to themselves (internal LoC) or to others (external LoC).  It is also found that people with internal LoC are happier than people with external LoC. And I see many unhappy people in social media during this COVID period blaming others. Even I would like to do so but somehow I am not getting right premises. People will say there are many premises readily available:

Premise 1: Indian Govt was not at all prepared for 2nd wave!

Below graph shows daily COVID cases for different countries (source: worldometer). Nobody expected such serious scene with such magnitude in India considering wave patterns, summer season and antibodies among people. But the reality was different from projection. 

Was Govt. solely responsible for such stiff increase in cases? What about the new Indian variant of COVID and callousness among Indians.  

As individuals, did we think about 2nd wave. Google trend shows COVID search was marginal before fag end of March.  

Premise 2: Govt was warned of 2nd wave but it did not act

Clairvoyants among media and experts saw this coming, didn't they? If I search "2nd wave India" within the time period of Jan - Feb then I see this:

So most experts & medias could not predict such massive 2nd wave. All the opinions and news publishing now are postmortem in nature. 

Premise 3: PM should have been better prepared 

There is something called "crime of commission" and "crime of omission". We were told not to do social gathering, not to go without mask and we still went ahead without adhering to guidelines/ rules (apology for generalization). So we have committed crime of commission, but, forget that. PM should have done something and he did not do. So, he has performed crime of omission. And we have every right to criticize him. But nobody defined what to be expected out of him as nobody had expected such scenario. So how can I blame him. 

Premise 4: West Bengal election rallies and Kumbh mela

Here I can say PM was playing role of party worker and not PM, and can be criticized just like any other workers/ ministers participating in the rally. But they were all acting just like we, as board students, would have acted if the exams dates were declared. The bigger elephant was election commission who could not postpone the election. However, Kumbh Mela was a serious breach and could be criticized to all length. 

Premise 5: PM is almighty and is behind everything

Well, if this is the case, then I should be with a powerful/ intelligent enemy than foolish friends. 

Hey, I still want to blame others to get a feeling of superiorness just like Dogbert:

Disclaimer: This blog is only advocating internal locus of control and should not be seen as a political write-up. Mask and social distancing are first line of defense and are under our control. Oxygen, hospital beds etc are last line of defense are scarcely available. Privileged people like us who can afford to stay at home, should stay and influence others to comply so that not-so-privileged can go out. God forbid, but in case they get infected at least they have last line of defense.  


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