COVID and Door-darshan of Television Industry

COVID may have brought the media industry to a point of no return. it gave individual and family enough time and environment to think and get conditioned; conditioned to get better entertainment. This condition does not bode well for Television industry. 

Normally we will consider channel A as a competitor to channel B as both are competing for audience's hour which is a rival good i.e. if A consumes my watching hour then B cannot consume it. However, the audience watching hour itself is being targeted by On Demand Video , Gaming and Social media industry. The definition of pie itself is shrinking for TV industry. 

Your next TV is a smart TV

Just like the smart phone, the television is seeing unbelievable reduction in price and increase in smart features. It is a certainty the next television purchase will be a smart TV. Now, a Smart TV without internet is just a "Dabba" (a dumb box) and is not a good social status. This TV is going to complement On Demand Video industry like car does to petrol/ diesel. Boundary among screen sizes is dissolving. Activities earlier limited to smaller screen sizes (like phone, computers) are possible in smart TVs with bigger screens and 4K! Gaming and streaming are all possible.  

You have tasted the blood - OTT content

COVID put the entire Television industry into hibernation with lockdowns putting hard break on content creation. Indian Television industry started recapping/ restreaming past block busters just to survive. In the mean time, Audience, in search of new contents, tried ODV/ OTT contents. And to its surprise, the contents were refreshing, eccentric and attention worthy. The doggerel writings, dumb plots, saas-bohu melo-drama will no more cut out. 

Big channel houses are now rushing to have OTT contents on ODV platforms to be future-proof. But as long as it does not break its own shackle of conservative, fixed mind-set affecting its content, audience is not going to turn. 

Technological limitation of Television Channels

Once my kid has experienced YouTube Kid which allows him to touch, try and demand, he has stopped watching cartoon channels on TV. This is a hard limitation in TV channels which are broadcasted for everyone's consumption. The audience has to maintain discipline of coming to TV and switch exactly on same time on daily basis to watch his/her favorite TV serial. Is this future proof !

Door-darshan (Envisaging future)

In future, audience will consume all contents on internet which are of highest quality on demand. The content industry will be democratized with no cartel/ monopoly controlling talent pools. Televisions frequency bands will be so under-utilized that these frequencies will be repurposed for internet. Only few nationalized channels will survive. The TRP or equivalent measurement indices and regulatory body for Media Industry will go under transformation.  

But yes, only remote can save the


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