Nothingness defines everything- Yin-Yang way to manage scope creep

Scope creep is seriously injurious to health of engineers, project managers and in the end customers. Apple phone is highly user friendly because the designer knew when to stop. Product exists because it does not exist outside of it. And this is the Yin-Yang moment. 

You are defined by what you are not...Light exists because there is darkness...One is true because others are zeroes... Yang is there because yin exists outside of it...

You have something everywhere. What defines an object is drawing a line stating outside of this is Nothing. That is why you have to reject hypothesis to prove something. As my professor once said "Strategy is the art of closing doors". He did not say opening doors but closing doors. The same philosophy applies to scope statement as well. Scope statement should clearly mention what not to do. 

"We will implement mobile application to do xyz. However, iOS development is excluded in this phase." Now you decide which statement has given more clarity. In real world, features are continuous. If A is being implemented there will be another A1 feature which is very similar to A and can also be implemented. And then A2, A3 so on and so forth. So scope statement should create difference, pull itself apart from requirement document. This difference, variance creates information. And that is why R2 represents information and not  μ.


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