Peel...Peel...Peel...and you will get the STRENGTH! - A case study on Kodak

It is really easy to misconstrue Strength with Fame. Even Management can forget the true Strength in the period of success and noise. One or the other day, we consultants, must have used SWOT or GE-McKinsey Matrix, plotted so called "Strength" and proposed strategy. But how easy was it to find out "Strength" of a company? 

Case study: Kodak. 

There is no doubt anyone, during 90's, would have opined Kodak's strength was in imaging and printing. Then camera went digital and then disappeared in smart phones. Suddenly noise during Kodak's heyday dropped its decibel. All strategic framework failed since Kodak was "Disrupted", it became "Myopic". 

In my opinion, it forgot what its real strength was. It was never imaging/ printing but its knowledge in specialty chemical. It knew the best chemical composition to capture the "Kodak moment". Never the less, in the moment of silence, it found thyself and continued its journey. Today, during COVID, it could find opportunity when many saw threat; it could locate attractive business when economy was down 

Increase in share price (KODK) in NYSE after news on COVID Drug 

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ―Aristotle


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