Twinkle twinkle little star, How I wonder where you are???

I lived a bucolic life thanks to my papa's job in forest department. I lived in a fairy world for today's generation watching stars and running behind helicopter damselfly. I wanted my kid to experience these but they are lost in today's concrete jungle and materialistic life. They only live in books, stories and rhymes. Why?

I thought pollution, specifically air pollution, led to this problem cutting us from the universe. But no, it is a different kind of pollution that I was not aware of till yesterday - Light pollution. As we light our nights with bright lights, we lose our stars from our sights. 

Lamps that throw light upward gets reflected from cloud & air making the sky brighter and so we cannot see stars. We need to use better lamps.  

Light also has adverse effect on insects. Insects lose track of time (day and night). There was a study comparing caterpillars in two different areas: one lighted with street lamps and one not lighted. It was found that in the earlier case, number of caterpillars were less as they did not breed and they were heavy as they continued feeding since they could not know when to stop. The effect was less where halogen lights were used. 

I consider invention of light bulb as one of the major milestone in human evolution (possibly more than electricity) because it allowed human to work more.  Today we say we have 24 hours to complete a task...if we had not invented light bulb we would have said we have 10 hours to complete a task. Just imagine the effect of this invention. We stretched the time. Light won over the darkness. And we became caterpillars mentioned in earlier paragraph. 

Light and darkness need to co-exist like in ying-yang. Remembering my childhood, I was a fan of "Shaktiman" but now I realize the importance of "Kilvish". Andhera Kayam Rahe... 

Sorry kiddo, I lived a bucolic life, lived in a fairy world watching stars and running behind helicopter damselfly. I may not be able to take you to that life or time but will tell you the stories for sure. 

Note: Found the images related to light pollution from Quora and could not find the actual owner of images. But whoever created the images, I thank you.  



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