You dont get to see it but we are AGILE!

"We are still coding, you will get UAT build after Sprint 5 i.e. after 6 months"
"We understand this is not so user friendly. But this is as per Business requirement. We cant change it"
"The UI is not intuitive. But UAT is not a phase where we can change Business requirement."

Many customers may have heard software vendors passing these comments in review discussion for a project which was supposed to be completed with AGILE model. Beware, they are all waterfall vendors mis-branding themselves as Agile. 

Agile is not set of tools or techniques but a philosophy. I call it AGILE-ISM: more Collaboration, more Communication, open to more Changes to provide the most Customer centric product. Scrum, Sprints, Retros, Kanban - all are just tools and techniques. Project has to be released sooner so that customer can start using it. Changes have to accepted so that project is not obsolete. What is agreed upon between customer and vendor is not list of features but a story or problem statement. 

If AGILE-ISM is not practiced to its intent then your AGile Is just a big LiE.  


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