Naysayer in Digital marketing & their perennial questions

COVID has pushed many businesses to adopt digital marketing. Many of them probably did so not because of its merit but peer pressure or lack of option. And the initial cost to start digital marketing is so less that it does not require good discussion/ debate/ thinking. And this is where problem lies. Conventional marketeer and management, possibly,never understood and accepted it wholeheartedly. And questions like "what is ROI", "Is it really effective", "can this replace offline activities" always linger around in the back of everyone's mind. The irony is that Digital Marketing gives so much data - views, impressions, geography, engagements, demographics etc that were unthinkable for offline campaigns still it is always seen from jaundiced eyes. 

These questions are pertinent but difficult to answer if it's haphazardly implemented and in most of the cases it is.  Like any other marketing campaigns, customer has to go through the decision making stages in digital marketing too. A basic social media campaign can only take the customers to awareness stage and no further. The business needs to have good content strategy and CRM implementation to convert them.  ROI, conversion factor, effectiveness etc can only be answered if all of them are implemented. Or feel free to take up a survey which might be as costly as the entire social marketing campaign. 


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