Strategy swings like pendulum

“The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong” – Carl Jung

The nature of human - not being satisfied with what it has currently– has always made an impression on human’s action and behavior. A longitudinal observation would show that, many a times, a human shows behavior along directions quite opposite to each other. It oscillates between two extreme positions. I call it pendulum effect. And the pendulum effect is not limited to human behavior. History witnesses the same effect in different industries as well.

IBM disintegrated to focus on core competency. Later Microsoft which handled OS acquired Nokia to give a holistic experience. Similar swings you can find in Pharma. Company focuses on specialty to improve brand perception and margin. But then later to mitigate high investment risk, the same company goes back to generic molecules. It holds true for e-com vs brick-&-mortar model from the distribution model. You must have come across word Phygital marketing which is one of teh state between two opposite concept: Digital vs Physical. So there is nothing pure right or wrong in a strategy. And that is why probably consulting firms are flourishing everywhere!


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